The Power of Data-Driven Audio

The Power of Data-Driven Audio

Reaching your listening audience is great, but it's reaching them with a relevant and engaging message that makes all of the difference.  This is where data-driven audio ads come in, which enable you to leverage data to determine which audio ad to serve to a listener, resulting in a deeper connection with that listener and a higher ad recall. 

What is data-driven audio advertising?

Data driven audio advertising leverages 1st and 3rd-party data from a listening audience to make real-time decisions on which audio ads a listener should hear, personalizing the experience for each unique listener. Data can be used to either dynamically change the content of the audio ad, or decide in which order a listener hears a sequence of ads.  Ad delivery is based on a number of listener-specific data signals, such as location (including zip code, DMA, and county), device type, time of day, day-of-week, content, weather, and more, to ensure the most relevant ads are delivered to that unique listener at the right time. 

How does it work?

Let’s break it down into three simple steps: 

  1. Identify Listening Audiences: 
    Determine your audience(s) based on content and listening platforms.
  2. Target Audience Segments: 
    Target specific audience segments based on demographic  and geographic information.
  3. Personalize the Message: 
    Personalize the message based on the individual listener and context with real-time data. 

We believe in the power of data-driven audio ads, which is why we’ve partnered with creative management platform, Frequency®, to integrate data driven audio capabilities into our the Triton Ad Server, Tap.  This integration enables you to generate customizable, dynamic ad creative for any listener, conduct A/B tests for insight into how your ads are performing, access real-time reporting, and more. 

If you’re interested in learning more, or would like to begin using data-driven audio to increase your advertising efficacy, contact

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