September 2016 Insights & Trends

November 9, 2016
Desideria Mastriaco
Triton Digital has released its monthly digital audio Top 20 Ranker for September 2016. The Ranker is a listing of the top-performing digital audio stations and networks measured by the Webcast Metrics® audience measurement platform.
Our review of the September 2016 data uncovered several interesting stats about listening growth and audience trends. Check them out below.
All measured clients within the Domestic U.S. reported a total of 4,824,772 Average Active Sessions (AAS) during the Monday-Friday 6:00AM-8:00PM daypart, and 4,073,728 AAS during the Monday- Sunday 6:00AM-Midnight daypart.
Overall streaming has seen steady growth when compared to September 2015. Both Pureplays and AM/FM Broadcasters showed positive growth during the Monday-Friday 6:00AM-8:00PM daypart and the Monday-Sunday 6:00AM-Midnight daypart.
The Sports format showed the largest listening gains with a 16.9 percent increase in AAS, followed by News/Talk at 4.0 percent. The Sports format received a big boost with the return of the NFL this month.
41% of listening took place on an iOS device, followed by Android at 32%, Google Chrome at 8% and Flash Player at 8%. During the same period last year, 37% of listening took place on an iOS device, followed by Android at 31%, Google Chrome at 9% and Flash Player at 9%.
*The category ‘Other’ consists of devices, types and browsers that are less than 2% of total audio consumption and audio consumption that cannot be classified
ATSL = The average number of hours for each session with a duration of at least one minute in total and any duration within the reported time period.
Mobile listening represented 79.1 percent of total listening in September 2016, compared to 20.9 percent on desktop. Mobile listening has increased 4.7 percent since the beginning of 2016.
Digital Audio Trends and Insights represent all clients measured by Triton.
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