Podcast Metrics for Agencies: Deep dive with Sounds Profitable

Podcast Metrics for Agencies: Deep dive with Sounds Profitable

On Thursday, January 21st, Triton's SVP Market Development & Strategy, Audience Measurement, Daryl Battaglia joined Sounds Profitable's Founder, Bryan Barletta, to discuss Triton's Podcast Metrics measurement service, and how it can be leveraged by agencies as a part of Sounds Profitable's Deepdive series.

Click here to watch the full interview. 

In addition to Daryl's demo of the platform, he and Bryan discuss the benefits and features of Podcast Metrics. Some of the key takeaways include:

  • Triton's Podcast Reports are powered by Podcast Metrics and provide insight into the top podcasts for a specific region. Reports are currently available for Australia, Latin America, and the United States
  • Data is IAB v2 certified and is collected directly from the hosting platforms to eliminate risk of inaccurate or fraudulent data
  • Podcast Metrics dashboard provides a simplistic overview of consumption data by Downloads, Downloaded Hours, Trends within a specific timeframe, by location, device-type, and more at the network or show level regardless of hosting platform
  • Listeners are truly unique per the IAB v2 filtering methodologies
  • Publishers have the ability to share data directly with specific agencies through Lineups, which are groups of podcasts combined however the publisher chooses, including common themes, categories, audiences, and more. Agencies have access to these Lineups within the platform
  • Lineups enable publishers to gain visibility for smaller or growing shows by grouping them with more established shows
  • Lineups streamline the process of evaluating and buying podcasts for agencies by making the data easily accessible, trustworthy, and consistent
  • Podcast Metrics was built with agency feedback in mind to ensure that they have the tools and insights they need to efficiently evaluate and buy podcasts
  • Lineups are able to be exported to further sort and digest relevant data 
  • Working with Strata to be integrated into their buying platform to streamline purchasing podcasts 

To learn more about Podcast Metrics, contact Solutions@tritondigital.com or visit our website.

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