Paving The Way for Digital Audio

Paving The Way for Digital Audio
Paving The Way for Digital Audio

Over the years, the digital audio industry has suffered from a lack of standardization when it comes to delivering digital audio ads. On one hand, this has fostered innovation and enabled Triton Digital to develop new and unique ways to serve audio in a display-centric world. On the other hand, it has limited industry growth due to fragmented technical solutions and proprietary software.

I am pleased to announce that this will no longer be an issue. Triton Digital is among the first digital audio technology providers to become compliant with the IAB’s Digital Audio Ad Serving Template (DAAST). We will no longer need to ask vendors, partners, and clients to implement custom technology to use our advertising solutions, but rather simply follow an IAB standard.

Technically speaking, DAAST is the output of an ad server and associated trackers to measure the delivery of audio ads. You’re probably asking yourself, what in the world does that mean? Basically, it provides a common set of specifications for audio ad delivery and reporting across a wide variety of devices and platforms, creating a common standard across the industry.

Achieving DAAST compliance means we are no longer confined to the requirements of the ad server business, most of which were built with display in mind. With DAAST, we can better support our clients’ success by enabling a more automated, transparent, and streamlined approach.

We strongly believe that the digital audio supply and demand needs to be open and interoperable to foster the overall growth of the market. DAAST makes this possible. With this transparency, we will have a real market, not hindered by custom components and square wheels. I may be naively confident, but all of the key partners that are a part of the Digital Audio IAB committee are more than eager to comply to the new standard as soon as possible.

We are proud to have reached this milestone for our company. But, more importantly, we are excited to see how DAAST will expand, improve, and push our industry forward.

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