Triton Digital has released its monthly digital audio Top 20 Ranker for October 2014. The Ranker is a listing of the top-performing digital audio stations and networks measured by the Webcast Metrics® audience measurement platform. Key findings of the October 2014 Ranker include:
All Measured Clients
October 2014 Average Active Sessions (AAS) were 3,832,845 in the Domestic M-F 6A-8P
daypart and 3,235,716 in the Domestic M-SU 6A-Midnight daypart.
Taking a Closer Look
October 2014 Average Active Sessions (AAS) grew in both the Domestic M-F 6A-8P daypart (25.8%) and the Domestic M-SU 6A-Midnight daypart (30.1%) when compared to October 2013.
Listening by Market
Looking at the top 20 markets, Seattle showed the largest listening gain with a 23.0% increase in AAS (M-F 6A-8P) when compared to September 2014, followed by Atlanta, San Francisco, Cleveland, Detroit, San Diego, and Chicago. The gain in Seattle could be attributed to the shooting at Marysville-Pilchuck High School, which occurred October 24th.

Listening by Format
The News/Talk format showed the largest listening gains with a 5.3% increase in AAS (M-F 6A-8P) when compared to September 2014, followed by Sports, Adult Contemporary, Classic Hits, and Classic Rock.

Average Active Sessions (AAS) is the average number of listeners (with duration of at least one minute) during the dapart/time period.
Audio Consumption
During the M-F 6A-8P daypart, 32% of listening took place on an iOS device, followed by Android (28%), and Flash Player (9%).

* The category ‘Other’ consists of devices, types and browsers that are less than 2% of total audio consumption and audio consumption that cannot be classified.