Now Available: Expanded Consumption Analytics Within Omny Studio

Now Available: Expanded Consumption Analytics Within Omny Studio

Publishers can now Access an Enhanced, Aggregate view of their Podcast Consumption at a Program, Network, and Organization Level

We are pleased to announce  an expansion of the consumption analytics within the Omny Studio podcast management platform. 

In addition to being able to view real-time data for a single podcast episode or clip, the expansion enables publishers to view consumption analytics across an entire program, network, or organization, including verified plays, average time spent listening, listener retention and drop-off, and more. 

In addition to listening data, publishers can also view aggregated analytics around where their podcast listening is taking place on the program, network, or organization level, including embed players, custom players or mobile apps, show page, and more. 

“We are pleased to announce the expansion of consumption analytics within Omny Studio, providing publishers with the ability to dive deeper into their audience data and gain a more holistic view of the performance of their podcast content,” said Sharon Taylor, Managing Director at Triton Digital.  “Adding the ability to view consumption data at the program, network, and organizational level will enable publishers to make increasingly informed content decisions, helping them to both retain and grow their listening audiences.”

Omny Studio is the world’s leading podcast management technology, whereby more than 24,000 podcasts from around the world are hosted today.  To learn more about consumption analytics within Omny Studio, click here.

For more information about the Omny Studio platform, contact

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