Triton Digital has released its monthly digital audio Top 20 Ranker for November 2015. The Ranker is a listing of the top-performing digital audio stations and networks measured by the Webcast Metrics® audience measurement platform.
Total Listening for All Measured Clients
All measured clients within the Domestic U.S. showed 4,372,548 Average Active Sessions (AAS) during the Monday-
Friday 6:00AM-8:00PM daypart, and 3,613,254 AAS during the Monday-Sunday 6:00AM-Midnight daypart.
Taking a Closer Look
Overall streaming was up when compared to November 2014. November 2015 AAS increased 14.6 percent during the Domestic M-F 6A-8P daypart and 14.4 percent during the Domestic M-SU 6A-Midnight daypart.
The Thanksgiving Effect
Overall AAS declined 12.5 percent during the week of Thanksgiving (M-F 6A-8P) when compared to the three weeks prior. Mobile listening declined 3.6 percent while desktop dropped by 24.1 percent. Pureplay listening was down 9.9 percent while broadcast streams declined by 29.4 percent.
Total AAS was down over 30 percent on the Thursday and Friday of Thanksgiving week when compared to the other Thursday’s and Friday’s during the month. The majority of the top formats were down 30-40 percent during the holiday week, with the Holiday format ramping up.
These listening patterns are consistent with 2014 trends.
Top Devices
38 percent of listening took place on an iOS device, followed by Android at 31 percent, Google Chrome at 9 percent and Flash Player at 8 percent.

Mobile Consumption
Mobile listening showed a slight decline between August and October before returning to typical listening levels in November, which saw 75.1 percent of all listening taking place on a mobile device. Compared to November 2014, mobile listening was up 46.6 percent. Trending for the first eleven months of 2015 is charted below.

Top 10 Markets by Listening Device
The following chart shows the top 10 markets by AAS broken out by listening device.