Triton Digital has released its monthly digital audio Top 20 Ranker for July 2017. The Ranker is a listing of the top-performing digital audio stations and networks measured by the Webcast Metrics audience measurement platform. A review of the July data uncovered several interesting insights on the U.S. digital audio landscape, shared below.
Total weekday listening remains steady at 5 million in the U.S.
All measured clients within the U.S. reported a total of 5,090,600 Average Active Sessions (AAS) during the Monday through Friday 6:00am to 8:00pm daypart, and 4,341,023 AAS during the Monday through Sunday 6:00AM to Midnight daypart.

Weekday listening shows highest peak at 2:00 pm
Midweek listening shows peak AAS occurring at 2:00pm in July 2017. On the weekend, listening shows peak AAS at 1:00pm before gradually declining throughout the afternoon.

The Top 40 (CHR) format shows the smallest decrease at -3.6%
When compared to June 2017, the Top 40 (CHR) format showed the smallest decrease at -3.55% in AAS during the Monday through Friday 6am-7pm daypart. A decrease in listening is a common seasonal trend observed in the month of July.

The Atlanta market shows the smallest decrease at -1.3%
Looking at the Top 15 markets as compared to June 2017, Atlanta showed the smallest listening decrease at -1.28% in AAS during the Monday through Friday 6am to 7pm daypart, followed by Washington DC. A decrease in listening is a common seasonal trend observed in the month of July.

Combined year-over-year listening shows consistent growth.
Total listening for all publishers showed positive listening gains when compared to June 2016, with a 12.28% increase in AAS during the Monday through Friday 6:00am to 8:00pm daypart, and a 14.27% increase during the Monday through Sunday 6:00am to Midnight daypart.