Triton Digital has released its monthly digital audio Top 20 Ranker for July 2014. The Ranker is a listing of the top-performing digital audio stations and networks measured by the Webcast Metrics® audience measurement platform. Key findings of the July 2014 Ranker include:
Average Active Sessions (AAS) grew significantly in July 2014, with the M-F 6A-8P daypart up 20.7% and M-SU 6A
-Midnight daypart up 22.3% compared to the same period last year. On mobile, July 2014 saw a 37.2% increase during the M-F 6A-8P daypart, and a 35.8% increase during the M-SU 6A-Midnight daypart compared to July 2013.
During the M-F 6A-8P daypart, mobile devices made up 68% of AAS, up from 62% in June. 37% of that listening took place on iOS and 31% took place on Android devices.

Of the top 20 markets, Cleveland (22.2%) showed the largest increase in AAS, followed by San Francisco (9.1%) and LA (4.8%). The gain in the Cleveland market could be attributed to the announcement that Lebron James was returning to the Cleveland Cavaliers, as well as the the media coverage of Johnny Manziel during the Cleveland Browns football camp. AAS for MS: 6a-Midnight was double for July vs. June in the Cleveland market (Sports format).

The Urban Contemporary format showed the largest listening gains with a 19.6% increase in AAS, followed by Sports (7.2%), Top 40 (6.8%), News/Talk (2.4%), Classic Hits (1.1%) and Country (0.8%).

* The category ‘Other’ consists of devices, types and browsers that are less than 2% of total audio consumption and audio consumption that cannot be classified.