4 Easy Ways to Repurpose On-Air Content on Your Radio Station Website

4 Easy Ways to Repurpose On-Air Content on Your Radio Station Website

When it comes to planning your digital strategy, it’s important to extend your on-air content to your website. If you aren’t already doing so, consider incorporating the following four types of content onto your station website to boost traffic and increase listener engagement.

Events Calendar

Are your on-air personalities appearing throughout your community at remote and live broadcasts? Will your station vehicle be parked near a sports arena or concert venue next week to hand out free swag? Your audience should know about these things! Though you’re mentioning upcoming events on-air throughout the day, some listeners may miss out if they aren’t tuned in at the right times. Be sure to feature these and other events that you’re involved in on your website by posting a weekly or monthly calendar. Be sure to include all of the important details, such as dates, times, and locations for each event. Not only will this provide extra content for your website, but it could also help to boost attendance.

On-Air Contests & Promotions

You’re probably already featuring lots of great sweepstakes online to drive site traffic, but what about your audio promotions? Just as with events that you promote on-air, if a segment of your audience isn’t tuned in all day every day, or prefers to engage with your brand online and through email, they may miss out if you aren’t sharing contest information through these vehicles as well. Consider highlighting your Call In To Win contests and other promotions by including a graphic on your website, along with a short description of the promotion. This will encourage your audience to further interact with your site, tune in more often, and if they share the posts to their social media, it could attract new listeners.

Bio Pages for Your On-Air Talent

Your jocks keep your audience entertained on the air throughout the day, so why not let them delight your online fans as well? Create a page for each of your on-air personalities, featuring a rich bio section with details about who they are, their favorite hobbies, photos, when listeners can tune in to hear them on the radio, and more. Consider featuring weekly blog posts from each jock on these pages as well, so that they’re being regularly populated with fresh content. This will keep your audience coming back to engage online while strengthening their connection to your brand and on-air talent.

Create Podcasts

Capitalize on the popularity of your morning talk show by turning it into a podcast series. Audience members can visit your site to download episodes they may have missed, and listen to them on demand. You could also repurpose on-air interviews with celebrities, local public figures, and more into podcasts. You’ve likely trimmed down the audio to a few minutes in order to fit a spot in your programming, which means a large portion of an interview never makes it onto the air. Repurpose this into exclusive online content and invite your listeners to visit your website to hear the extended cut. Not only is this valuable, unique content for your site, but it could also provide an opportunity for new revenue if you secure a sponsor for your podcast series.

Maintaining a website and regularly providing fresh content may seem like a challenge, but integrating the material above onto your site is simple. You’re already sharing the same information on the air every day, so including it in your online strategy will reinforce your brand across the digital space and widen your reach.



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