December 2014 Insights & Trends

March 6, 2015
Desideria Mastriaco
Triton Digital has released its monthly digital audio Top 20 Ranker for December 2014. The Ranker is a listing of the top-performing digital audio stations and networks measured by the Webcast Metrics® audience measurement platform.
Before diving into the December 2014, we wanted to take a second and look back at the past year. It's been an incredible year for audio as a medium and our industry as a whole. Here are a few highlights:
In 2014, overall streaming reached an all-time high with steady growth quarter over quarter. Average Active Sessions (AAS) within the Domestic US grew in both dayparts from Q1 2014 to Q4 2014. The Monday-Friday 6:00 AM-8:00 PM daypart saw a 31.7 percent increase while the Monday-Sunday 6:00 AM-Midnight daypart grew by 34.7 percent.
In breaking out mobile and desktop listening, we again saw impressive year-over-year growth in mobile listening. AAS on mobile increased by 47.5 percent (M-F 6A-8P) while desktop declined by 4.2 percent. Pureplay streams saw a 49.5 percent increase in mobile AAS while broadcast streams grew by 13.5 percent.
All measured clients in December 2014 showed 3,889,118 AAS (M-F 6A-8P) and 3,319,676 AAS (M-SU 6A-Midnight) within the Domestic US.
Overall AAS declined 17.9 percent (M-F 6A-8P) during the week of Christmas when compared to the three weeks prior. Mobile listening only declined by 2.0 percent while desktop dropped 43.1 percent. Pureplay listening was down 12.6 percent while broadcast declined by 52.9 percent.
In breaking out audio consumption, 37.0 percent (M-F 6A-8P) of all listening took place on an iOS device, followed by Android at 30.0 percent, Flash Player at 9.0 percent, and Google Chrome at 7.0 percent.
Average Active Sessions (AAS) is the average number of listeners (with duration of at least one minute) during the dapart/time period.
The category ‘Other’ consists of devices, types and browsers that are less than 2% of total audio consumption and audio consumption that cannot be classified.
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