Client Spotlight: Jovem Pan

Client Spotlight: Jovem Pan

Today we announced that Jovem Pan, the largest commercial radio station network in Brazil, has selected the world’s most sophisticated podcast management and monetization solution by Triton Digital and Omny Studio to power their podcast strategy. 

Through this partnership, Jovem Pan will utilize the enterprise Omny Studio podcast management platform to capture, edit, and distribute podcast content to their online listening audience.  In addition, Jovem Pan will use the Triton advertising platform, Tap, to monetize its podcast content by dynamically inserting targeted ads into both live and pre-recorded streams in real-time.

“Through its integration with Omny Studio, Triton Digital is providing us with the world’s most sophisticated advertising technology and enterprise podcast management solution,” said Rodolfo Negrão, Commercial Director at Jovem Pan.  “We look forward to the audience growth and increase in revenue that we will undoubtedly see as a result of using this flexible and reliable solution to support our podcasting goals.”

“We are pleased to provide Jovem Pan with the technology they need to create, share, and monetize their podcast content,” said Benjamin Masse, Managing Director, Market Development and Strategy.  “With world-class content creation capabilities and a large and highly-engaged audience, Jovem Pan is creating a tremendous opportunity for advertisers across Brazil to reach a unique digital audience in a precise and effective way.”

In addition to Omny Studio and Tap, Jovem Pan will continue to use Triton’s audio streaming network to deliver high quality audio content to their online listening audience, as well as Triton’s programmatic audio marketplace, a2x®, and audio SSP, Yield-Op, to support their streaming audio monetization goals.


If you are interested in learning more about our technology and services, contact today. 

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