3 Ways to Engage Your Audience with Snapchat

June 23, 2017
Desideria Mastriaco
With the ever-changing trends on social media, it may seem difficult to hold your audience’s attention. The mobile social app, Snapchat, delivers an excellent solution as it was designed to provide brief interactions with your followers. Users can snap photos or record videos at a length of ten seconds or less, all of which are visible to their followers for 24 hours.
Since its inception in 2011, Snapchat has ballooned to cater to 100 million users a day, roughly 71% of which are under 34 years old and 70% of which are female. If you’re looking for ways to engage the millennial segment of your audience, Snapchat is a great tool for creating unique and meaningful interactions. Here are three ways you can begin using the app now to reach your listeners and drive brand awareness.
Business Geofilters can be set up in as little as five minutes and can either be uploaded or even created right within the Snapchat online builder. These customized photo filters can be geofenced so that only users in a certain location can access them. At only $5 per hour for a range of 20,000 square feet, they’re a unique and low-budget option for promoting concerts, live broadcasts, or sponsored events. You can even measure your reach by viewing metrics for your filter on your Geofilter dashboard once it has expired.
Use this feature to promote your station by branding your on-air staff’s behind-the-scenes Snaps with your station logo, or create a custom Geofilter for your sponsored events. Users in your area will be able to access the filter when they record their own Snaps, which can then be viewed by their followers as well. This is an excellent way to create a unique promotional opportunity at big events. Just be sure to adhere to the submission guidelines.
Plan a surprise remote appearance and Snap clues to your location. You can use the time filter on your Snaps to let users know when you are in the mystery spot. Continue sending clues until members find you and claim their prize, such as free concert tickets or VIP passes to a sponsored event.
One of the most engaging features of Snapchat is the ability to contribute to Stories. These are collections of images or video Snaps from multiple users. By inviting your audience to contribute to your brand’s Story for a sponsored event or concert, you allow them to share what’s happening in real-time. These clips are then strung together to give viewers a unique perspective of the event. Stories can be viewed multiple times within the 24-hour period during which they’re available, giving your followers the chance to prolong their engagement with the content and relive their favorite moments. You can access instructions for creating a Story under Snapchat’s support section.
Like other platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, Snapchat has the potential to be an invaluable cost-effective tool for spreading brand awareness and marketing your big events and campaigns. For more tips on digital engagement strategy, check out our recent post on how to harness other social media channels to increase your site traffic.
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